How to Serve your Husband

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How To Serve Your Husband

Building a strong marriage

  • In late 2024 I had finally found some peace and quiet to start reading books again. Life had been so busy and noisy that my time to read books was not very fruitful. One of the first books I had picked up to read as I begin my new reading journey was “A Woman after Gods Own Heart” by Elizabeth George.

    Chapter 5 talks about serving your husband. As I reflected on what I had just read it brought to mind my mom. One of the strongest women I know and how she had served my dad until the day he was called to heaven. Serving is a part of making any relationship strong. Below are five ways you can start serving your husband. If you’re not currently serving your husband pick just one to start with, maybe one that algins with his needs.

    1. Having dinner ready when he arrives home from work each evening or making him breakfast a couple of times a week and making this quality time for both of you.
    2. Packing him a healthy lunch for his workdays. This is dual purpose it saves money and serves him.
    3. Pray for him and with him daily.
    4. If he enjoys a sport like golf be his caddy and learn a little about the game so you can be efficient in your caddy position.
    5. When he has had long day massages are always a plus to help him relax and enjoy your evening together.